Automate your admin with these five Pleo features

The CFO’s Playbook for 2025
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Automation can be magic. The way Pleo does it, anyway.

Our technology and tools stand ready to help clear your to-do list – without even realising you’re doing it.

Our newest feature Fetch might be our star player on the automation front.

But it’s a star player in a team of really, really talented players.

Here are some of the ways that Pleo can automate your finances – are you taking full advantage of all of them?

Automated expense reports

Pleo launched with a killer promise : automated expense reports.

They cause friction and waste time, not to mention being prone to errors.

The first a-ha moment for many new Pleo customers is the realisation that once they’ve snapped their receipt and added some basic info, they’re done.

No need to manually fill out copious details about where or why or how they bought a sandwich.

It’s all sorted by Pleo.



At some point, humans will evolve past overloaded email inboxes.

We can, we must.

For now, we struggle on, trying to manage a mix of emails that range from treasured updates to messages we never even open.

But somewhere in that mix are a really important category of email: business spending receipts.

As more and more work purchases move online , tracking down that receipt in your inbox becomes even more of a chore.

So why not let Pleo do it for you?

Once enabled, our newest tool Fetch will connect to your Gmail inbox and look for receipts that match expenses on your Pleo account.

Your privacy and security will never be compromised by Fetch .

It’s a simple, quick way to automate the frustrating process of locating and attaching email receipts.

Share to Pleo

Don’t use Gmail for your business spending receipts?

That’s cool, we’ve got another way to automate those expenses that you rack up online – be that recurring subscriptions or one-off purchases.

Find the image file (or PDF) of the receipt on your phone and click on the share button.

You might need to make sure that sharing to Pleo is toggled on, but once it is, it’ll take just a few taps to automatically add the receipt to the matching expense.

Suggested subcategories and tags

One of the big pluses of using Pleo is automating big chunks of the accounting process.

That’s where our subcategories come in handy – they classify a purchase and help finance teams to ensure it’s accounted for correctly.

Sometimes it’s difficult for employees in the moment to decide exactly how to categorise a purchase. They may not have the time to do it, they may not be totally clear on the correct choice.

That’s why we introduced suggested subcategories .


These small tabs appear as capsules under the main category (Meals & drinks in the screenshot above) in a Pleo expense.

They’ll be based on the data Pleo has about the merchant and whether the user has bought something there before.

It takes away the hassle of uncertainty for employees and admins alike.

And if those Admins have set up tags too, it’s possible to have suggested tags that will help your employees to quickly assign them.

Month-end accounting made easier

It wouldn’t make much sense for Pleo to empower employees to buy what they need for work, if we didn’t also empower the people who need to account for those purchases.

Whether you use Xero or Quickbooks , Sage or Fortnox , or another accounting system altogether, you’ll find that Pleo works hard to make life easier.

When a user pays for something with their Pleo card, our system will push through all the relevant information to your accounting system.

That includes the receipts, categories, VAT codes and any custom notes. It’s a chance to save hours and hours of manual data entry – and to eliminate the risk of human error.

There’s a special bonus if you use Xero , as our new Direct Feed means all statement data will be automatically imported from your Pleo account into Xero, twice daily.

That live data tracking will enable you to make faster decisions and offer more up-to-date analysis.

The next wave of automation

We’ve always seen automation as a chance to offer you more than expected.

We’re hard at work on other automated features that will take care of even more moments of magic – faster than you can say abracadabra.

Smarter spending for your business

Save time on tedious admin and make smarter business decisions for the future. Join Pleo today.

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