Our new report reveals 8 ways Pleo can impact your business


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We’re lucky. Every day, we hear some very nice things about the difference Pleo makes to our customers. But we decided a little while back it was time to dig a little deeper.

After all, everyone loves data, right? Even better is data that helps you take positive action.

So, we’re launching Pleo Insights, a new team that’s going to ask questions and unearth answers – which sounds a little bit like TV detectives, we know. But rather than solving cold cases, our team will use their findings to make sure the Pleo product does even more for customers.

Our team have already been hard at work – so let’s see what we have discovered.

This report is based on the results of a recent survey conducted by Pleo with 494 company admins who use our product, spread across Germany, Sweden, Denmark, UK, Spain and Ireland.

What we discovered...

75% of admins are more productive using Pleo

75% say using Pleo has made their company more productive

Pleo cards empower people to buy the stuff they need for work – and that’s pretty fantastic. Instead of begging to use a company card (or spending out-of-pocket) and filling out expense reports, your team are free to get on with work.

And that shows with this stat – three out of every four admins noticing an upswing in how much work is being done. Not paperwork either – real work.

Spend less than 1 hour using Pleo

77% of admins using Pleo spend less than an hour a week on expenses

It’s not just your Sales or Marketing, IT or HR teams that are liberated.

Sign up to Pleo and your Finance team will instantly notice the difference. The schedule-clogging expenses review process is something that can now be handled in real-time, as and when your people buy things.

Spending less than an hour on expenses weekly – but knowing that there are no nasty surprises coming at the end of the month – can’t be a bad thing.

Save 11.5 hours using Pleo

Admins save 11.5 hours on average doing expenses each month using Pleo

Spending such a small amount of time on expenses means – you guessed – saving a whole heap of time. Our Insights team asked those 494 admins how much time they felt they were winning back.

The average is 11.5 hours a month.

So, pretty much a day-and-a-half, handed back to you. Do with it as you wish – look for solutions to other longstanding issues, get involved in some blue sky strategising and forecasting, maybe even start planning that well-earned holiday.

72% have an better overview using Pleo

72% feel they have a better overview of how company money is being spent

Instant notifications whenever a Pleo card is used. Individual spending limits on cards. Digital receipt capture that has the precise details you need. Automatic categorisation. Insights and analytics into team spending.

The list of ways that Pleo boosts your visibility into company spending is long – and we’re working to make it even longer.

Pleo is easy to use

95% feel Pleo is easy to use

Look, we can’t lie, our technical team are overjoyed at this one. They’ve built our software to be something that can be picked up and used right away.

As soon as you sign up to use Pleo, we work hard to keep things straightforward for admins and cardholders alike. That ease-of-use really makes a difference as you introduce a team to a whole new way of spending.

Easy to use, time-saving, useful, smart AND cool

Majority of users describe Pleo as easy to use, time-saving, useful & smart
Which is a delightful selection of adjectives to see. Thanks guys.

And 17% would describe Pleo as "cool"

OK, this one stings a little. Just 17%? Wait until you see the new jacket we’re buying in the sales.

Only 8% use Pleo for all their expenses

Transparency matters at Pleo, so just sharing the positive numbers doesn’t feel right. Here’s one that we were hoping would be higher.

We want our customers to use their Pleo cards to pay for everything they need. We’re confident (but never cocky) about the benefits our system has over manual expense management and things like petty cash . But we appreciate people sometimes are nervous about change.

So we’re busting a gut to make sure Pleo covers every kind of spending in a way that’s smooth and rewarding for everyone.

Take the recent launch of Pocket . Now, Pleo can now help handle way more of your business expenses and keep track of the money owed between a company and its people. Things like mileage and reimbursements – or that awkward moment when you realise you just used your work card to pay for something personal.

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