Company spending fully paperless, thanks to Pleo and Storebox

Buying things today is becoming much easier, while work purchase processes remain in most cases a big mess. With Pleo, we are proud to be changing this and setting the path for the future. Now, we are introducing the next step: fully paperless company spending, thanks to our integration with Storebox.
Buying things for work is a big mess.
For most people, it looks something like this: ask your manager for an approval, check if the expense policy justifies the purchase, the purchase gets approved, buy it with your own card, file an expense claim, hand it over to finance team and finally, wait to get reimbursed.
It’s no surprise that most people who have to do it, have grown to openly dislike it.
On the other hand, buying things as a consumer has never been easier. Thanks to mobile payments, contactless cards, Apple and Android Pay, most people today just tap away and they are done.
While the disconnect between buying things for work or in your free time keeps growing for most people, our happy users who have Pleo cards can take most of the unnecessary steps away. At Pleo, we strongly believe technology behind our cards will keep on removing these tedious steps, while still making sure the purchases include all the requirements from the finance department.
Taking away the “paper” from “paper receipt”
One of the most popular Pleo features today is the instant notification that reminds users to take a photo of the receipt whenever a purchase is made with a Pleo card. In our above mentioned quest to remove the manual steps, we are excited to announce we made this even easier, thanks to the direct Pleo integration with Storebox, a digital receipt service by Nets.
Now whenever a Pleo user makes a purchase at one of the +5,000 merchants in Denmark that are connected to the Storebox network, Pleo will automatically fetch a digital version of the receipt, link it to the correct transaction, automatically categorise the expense, and export it to the accounting system of your choice.
We’ve written a step-by-step guide on how to enable the integration if you are a Pleo user today, you can read more by following this link .
And if you want to find out more about Storebox and how it works, you can find out here .
World’s first fully automated expense reporting solution
While Storebox is available only to our users in Denmark at the moment, we see it is a big milestone towards making company spending as frictionless as possible for everyone.
We’re excited to see that Denmark is paving the way for the future of payment technology by enabling companies, not to go only cashless and adopt mobile payments, but also be fully paperless.
This step adds the last piece of the puzzle for Pleo to become the first fully automated, end-to-end expense reporting solution on the market with growing number of merchants embracing e-receipts.
The world will follow soon and we are already talking with several emerging companies in the UK that are exploring this space to expand our offering to all our happy Pleo users.

Smarter spending for your business
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