Meet our Berlin Team: André Reimers

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Meet the people working at Pleo

Here at Pleo, we take pride in our unique hiring process , in the team we built, and the people we're working with. If it wasn’t for each and every one of them, Pleo wouldn’t be the same. Their stories and visions say a lot about what makes Pleo such a special place and such a great company to work for.

It’s about time to put at least some of them in the spotlight, so they can tell you in their own words what working at Pleo is all about.

Meet our German team 🇩🇪

Our team in Berlin

Our Berlin gang is truly one of a kind. They're ambitious and never miss out on a chance to have some fun – or dance. We’ve seen some pretty special moves in the office.

Overall, they're a pretty relaxed bunch of people – as you can tell from their choice of shoes in the picture above. Birkenstocks seem quite fitting for the Berlin office, wouldn't you say?

A couple of days ago, we introduced you to Franzi, our Marketing Manager for the German market. If you missed it, have a look here .

This time around, we are meeting André, who brings the team and Pleos' vision together.

Let’s meet André, Head of Sales Pleo Germany

Andre on joining pleo

André, what do you do at Pleo?

In my role as Sales Manage r, I'm responsible for our German business development, our German Sales team and bringing the good news of Pleo to the German market.

What were you doing before?

I was working in consulting, VC and start-ups before, and most recently before Pleo worked in an early stage start-up where I built up the commercial department from scratch.

Why did you join Pleo?

I joined Pleo because I was looking for a rocket ship where I'd have the opportunity to grow personally and professionally, while learning from inspiring and smart people. More importantly, however, was the fact that Pleo had a bigger vision and purpose in mind than just being a fintech. Pleo wants to empower European companies while staying true to its own values and nurturing its own very honest and strong team culture.

What’s surprised you most about working here?

In my interview process, I was completely amazed by the people and how openly I was welcomed. After one and a half years later, this hasn't changed one bit. Every day I'm still surprised by how our strongest assets, the people, wow and excite me. And I say "people", I’m talking about our team, our partners, customers, etc.

What excites you about the road ahead with Pleo?

I believe it's the opportunity of being part of building something bigger, of something that can last for decades. We have the chance not only to build a strong and sustainable business, but also to have a real impact on how companies operate and provide a transparent and trusting work environment.

Want to learn more about our Berlin office and the Pleo team driving forward-think initiatives in Germany? Keep an eye on our Berlin team here on the blog.

Want to know more about André? Connect with him on LinkedIn .

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